رام را از لينك هاي زير دانلود كنيد
download alsolatest Android 5.0.2(mirrorsGoogle DriveorMega) for Sony XPERIA Z1 Compact
فلشر را از لينك هاي زير دانلود كنيد
download and install latest Flashtool fromGoogle Drive,UloztoorMega
Run flashtool and click on the flash button
Choose "Flash mode", click "OK"
- From the list on the left select firmware for flashing - BE CAREFUL, if you choose bad firmware you should brick your Xperia!
On the right side check "No final verification." If you
want to delete your data, check both boxes with "Wipe.." If you want to
flash only a part of firmware, use the "Exclude.." option in the middle.
Don't use it if you don't know what are you doing!
Click "OK" and wait for instructions to connect your phone
- Turn off your phone.
- Connect your Xperia while holding the button from the list above. Make sure you're using button which you should use! Don't forget you're in flashmode! When the window disappears, release the button.
- Wait until flashtool flashes your firmware. If there's not 100% in the progressbar, it's not done!
- Disconnect your Xperia and turn it on (or make some other changes you want)